Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just one more...

I am salivating ... Paris has just been moved from the medical ward of a maximum security prison back to that horrid isolation cell (translate, single room!) because she has been found mentally and medically stable. Pray for her. She is a fragile thing.

Meantime, the LA Times has concluded that Paris has already spent more time behind bars than anyone else with a similar conviction. I never liked that newspaper.

And finally, it has come to my attention that Paris is expected to be released on June 25, one day before my 46th birthday. I have contacted her father about doing a joint birthday/get out of jail party. You are all invited. ;)

Sorry, Gretchen. I couldn't resist.

1 comment:

Gretchen O'G said...

Oh Thank god my daily Paris update..what am I going to do when she disappears off the front page and sister Deed doesnt have anything to write about.