So today, Meghan has no school (she's in the midst of finals but doesn't have an exam today). She does, however, have to finish a final paper. So she's at home typing the paper, putting the finished pages on the floor next to her. One of the pages has glue spread over it so that she can paste something she's in the process of typing.
She's typing. Not paying attention to her surroundings. And she hears "smoogch." Turns out Maggie (a.k.a. psycho kitty) has planted her butt on the paper with the glue on it. I get this call while at work about midday today: "MOOOOMMMMMMM!!!! Maggie has glue on her butt and I've got fur on my paper!!!!"
I couldn't stop laughing on the phone for, like, 10 minutes. So now I'm calling the cat "Glue Butt." G.B. for short. It suits her. The photo depicts G.B. continuing her delusion that she is actually a dog. Perhaps if she drinks enough of Buddy's Water, she'll have enough pee to dilute the glue stuck to her butt. :)
OK, this is how you post a photo on your blog: When you create a "new post," you'll see these icons on the top of the posting window. One of them is a photo. click on that and you'll be asked to "browse" your computer for your photos. You select the photo you want and click "upload." Do it either before you type in your blog or afterwards. At first, the uploaded photo will appear as gobbledygook on your posting screen. But once you post your entry, the photo will appear on your blog.
Photos that I have saved are in a box!!! I do not own a digital camera yet...I swear...I MUST join the 21st century soon cause I am missing the boat here! I still have freaking dial-up! I guess other stuff is more important to me than that....not that I don't want to "upgrade" mind you...I just haven't...I am scared! I have to take this test on technology for school and I will probably flunk it!!! Gotta do something about this...such a computer neophyte!!!
I had to call the internet provider for the office today and while he was talking me thru how to "rewire the router" yeah whatever...I unplugged the phone and disconnected him instead.! This is guy in a call tell me about the 21st century will you!
WAIT....NO PARIS NEWS...NO Paris survives hump day?? NO Paris wears pants?? NOthing??? I am bereft
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