File this under "Did you know... ?"
Did you know there are college scholarships available for people who are left-handed? For tall people, short people or fat people? People with brown eyes, blue eyes or green eyes? You hear about all this and you urge your graduating senior to get on the stick and apply for some of this free money. ... Yeah. Right.
And then the list of local scholarships finally emerges. You check off each potential scholarship your kid could get. And instantly, as if it never went away, you're back in the application landfill. Mountains of applications with deadlines and multiple forms and essays to write. Just when you thought all the college application forms were over and done with.
I'm not overly optimistic about any of this stuff. Meg goes to a big high school with a big graduating class. The local scholarships will get eaten up pretty quickly. Never mind the chances of securing one of those generic scholarships for people with brown eyes... But we will fill out some more forms just for the sheer unadulterated fund of it.
I hate to tell you how many of those you actually get...
Well the first year there are the benefits of the graduating class awards...after that..its just a joke! Unless you are penniless! I swear! Just get out your check book!
Poor Super Sib #1
Great....this is all making Super Sib #3 really edgy and depressed as the single/sole bread winner in my family (and a teacher in Maine at that!)
The boy BETTER get some scholarship dollars, cause his fund is gonna dry up in year one!
I AM, however, very proud of my two nieces, who are BOTH excelling at the moment. Caroline continues to amaze me and Meghan is inspiring me on a daily basis with her accomplishments and recent acceptances to a variety of institutions! I am looking forward to sharing with you both MY child's successes and awards, etc...he did get a letter from teh Who's Who Registry of Academic Excellence, for which he "may" qualify to receive a variety of scholarships. We'll see...
Again, I hate to say it but alot of those first year scholarships that don't come from the school itself or grants from the govt. (like some of us actually qualify!) are gone..after the first year.. they are just that senior year scholarships. Sometimes they are renewable but the kid has to go back to the school during break and redo the application and hope to get picked.
Its just not a good system, but Sib #3 you will probably make out ok as a single parent..at least better than the two of us.
HA...got news for ya...I filled out a pre-ap on line for a Pell Grant and I don't qualify...or rather he doesn't, if you can believe THAT one! I sure couldn't...not like I have a lot of liquid funds available, but go figure. The only funds I have are retirement funds, and are not available for the boy. Pretty sad...So he better hit the books and fill out everything down the pike or he/we will be paying til I die!
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