So... guess who wants a turkey fryer for Christmas? Sib #6. It's either that or a blooming onion maker. How's that for justification for the obesity epidemic in America? Good lord. Howard has her; I'm not sure what he'll do on this one. Her other request is for a gift certificate to A.C. Moore.
I say, send her to the craft store! Cuz sending her to the grease pit is NOT a good idea.
Oh my God!!! Is she really that desperate??? I thought she was hell bent on LOSING weight?! Jesus, all you need is a big pot to fry a turkey...save your money! And a Blooming Onion machine...you are right...She IS going to the grease pits!
I say go to A.C. Moore...God knows the child needs all the scrapbooking help she can get! Holy Coq au Vin Batman!!!!
OMG...first of all those turkey fryers are as "Audrey" would say
"very danGerours, VEry Dangerous!
She and the dream child were in today to deliver my birthday card and also to pick up said childs gift which I did not have and child wanted the card back after I opened it!
Tell Howard I have a great rolling planter he can regift!
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