Dahlings ... not ONLY does Leona's brother not want her dog OR the $12 million she left the poochy, but her former housekeeper is preparing to sue the dog because it bit her once while she was working at the Queen of Mean's Manhattan apartment. Credit goes to Sibling #1 for breaking the first portion of this meaty little celeb tidbit. Further research unearthed the housekeeper angle to give you up to the minute reports. I attach the wanted poster image of said doggie, aptly named "Trouble".
Trouble obviously shops at Abercrombie and Bizarre, by the way. You can tell by the fashionable aloofness of this pic.
Wonder if the pooch likes the clothes and cologne there!!! Not to mention the cheap fabric!! ha ha
(wink wink)
Oh my god...do you really have anything else to do but be the next Domminick Deirdre Dunne??
You should be sending these updates to Billy Bush on Entertainment tonight I don't think he is doing nearly the job of keeping up on this as you are!!
And I am going to need "depends" in the office from laughing so much!! Sib #1
BTW re: couture cupcakes...I just bought Donna Hayes cookbook! I had no idea..
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