Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pursued by Bear

Welcome to the first installment of my blog. This creation completes the perfect trifecta of Super Siblings #1, 2 and 3. I'm sorry it took so long to finally make it onto the "big screen." Blogs are not as enamored with Mac computers as they truly should be.

I spent this weekend working at the American BABY Faire, an annual draw for formula, stroller, baby monitor and clothing companies appealing to the pregnant public of Boston. The Boston Parents' Paper, of course, has a booth at this event. We were handing out magazines and raffle tickets (for a double stroller or one of four cute infant-themed gift baskets) to three people deep. We actually ran OUT of magazines, which is pretty unbelievable (and embarrassing). So I had to drive back into the city on Sunday to drop off more magazines (which I had to pilfer from our numerous street boxes sprinkled from Beverly into Boston.

Meghan was a great help to me this weekend; she may have a real career in marketing and PR, having worked our booth, done a little spying on our competition and generally offered the upbeat, can-do attitude of an almost 17-year-old. What is it about teenagers - they're intolerable at 13, over the hormone hump at 16 and damn near mature and pleasant by 17. Never mind - I'll get back to the 13-year-old in a future installment.

I titled this blog "Pursued by Bear" because I heard the phrase used for a future new line of fine wines being produced by one of the stars of Desperate Housewives. I liked it. Lately I feel like I'm being pursued by bear at work, something I'm trying to correct. I'm trying to ease out of my publisher title and get back to strictly writing and editing, although still at a national level. The publisher gig is simply too much work and stress.

Anyway, happy spring ladies. It was 52 degrees down here today and we're hearing it may hit 70 before the end of the week. About damn time.


Gretchen O'G said...

Hey you are finnally on! Yeah.
Its warm here too.
Care still does not have her luggage. We got a call that it was in Boston on Sunday She never went thru Boston!

Kym in the Gym said...

You are soooo not hitting 70's there this weekend...or you WILL be having company this weekend!!! It was actually warm enough to run in SHORTS...YES LADIES SHORTS today at 4 pm, thanks to the early time change...I am loving that!
Glad you are on board FINALLY...honestly Gretch...what did we have to do to finally get her up to speed!!! hahaha
By the way Super Sib #2...your blog site is not deedeesu it is dedesu...thanks to my ever-helpful (haha) son, WE figured out how to click on your link (okay..actually HE told me to try it-God I hate that when he knows more than me!)