Saturday, September 13, 2008


There are at least 10 pairs of shoes on the living room floor. Clothes all over the floor of her room. Various things in various parts of the house -- waiting to be packed. Finally, this morning, she seems to be understanding that packing is inevitable.

And I'm getting an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Top 10 Reasons NOT to Vote the McCain-Palin Ticket

(With advanced apologies to any Republican-leaning voters who might stumble onto this entry - don't read it if it irks you). All 10 of these reasons have to do with Sarah Palin, the most dangerous threat to women's rights, government leadership, environmental sanity and sound sex education in decades:

10. She has only been a governor of the most remote state in the nation for two years.

9. She worked for her kids' school PTA, became a City Councilor, then a mayor, then a governor and now a vice presidential nominee in 14 years. Translate: she hasn't served in any of these positions for many years.

8. She believes in abstinence-only sex education in an American culture that glamorizes sexual activity among kids as young as 15 who, under the current cultural and media climate, aren't hearing the "abstinence-only" argument.

7. She questions whether global warming is actually occurring.

6. She is open to creationism being taught in public schools, even while the U.S. Constitution separates church and state.

5. She calls herself a champion against earmarked funds - but has profited substantially from Congressional earmarks as mayor and as governor in her home state. She actually hired a lobbyist as mayor who was used specifically to go after earmarked funds for her city.

4. She opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.

3. She approves the shooting of wolves in Alaska by people firing guns from airplanes.

2. She likens herself to a pit bull.

And the No. 1 reason not to vote the McCain-Palen ticket:

1. If McCain dies in office, she will become president of the United States.

(Of course, it is true that there is another half to this ticket. I simply don't agree with McCain's plans or policies and I don't want another president who likes the word "fight" and "war" so much. There are other reasons for my personal disdain for McCain, but the strikes against Sarah Palin are so strong and so fear-inducing that they take precedence here).